Erp for SME’s – Technophobia



Keerthana Reddy

3 min read

Erp for SME’s _Technophobia_avaniko

Are you looking for the right ERP for SMEs? But, are you also in the fear of entertaining a new technology & set the new norms of practice into your company?

Fear of technology is common for even new & young entrepreneurs out there, so we do understand how it affects the traditional companies who have a set company culture in place for decades. In these cases, change management becomes a challenge in itself and here we will list you the points to eliminate your fear of technology:

Being an entrepreneur, sets a tone for the way your business operates and these are clear signs that needs to be a ringing alarm for caution:

Saying no just because it costs: Do you say NO to things/changes, just for the sake it costs money without evaluating how it can bring a positive note to your organization?

Contentment: Are you content with the way things are and not striving to change positively every day?

Own way of doing things: Has your company set in its own style of operating and not willing to change to any other way of working?

Lack of experience makes you reluctant: The reason you are afraid of implementing new technology is your lack of experience in decision-making?

If you have answered yes to any one of the three questions, it is time to re-visit your ideals for the growth of your company.

It is important how as an entrepreneur, you overcome this fear and place the safest best at the minimum of risk. Here we will give you a few tips to handle the same:

Research is the key – Keep researching until you acquire all the required information and also look out for the right partners to associate with for a long-lasting business relationship.

One at a time – Most effective and efficient way to test the technology or your company’s capability to adapting is to take one technology at a time. You can always add new things at a later stage ?

Move out of the comfort zone – Decision should never be based on what you are comfortable with, rather the decisions should challenge and be based upon the benefits, ROI, effectiveness of the system for your company.

Knowledge of ERP – Learn about new technology to overcome this fear. The only way of knowing what is best for your organization, is acquiring a thorough knowledge of ERP & use of technology.

The most successful companies are the those who learnt, unlearnt & challenged themselves with unconventional decisions!